Cookie Policy

Information on the Placement of Anonymous User Identifiers (Cookies) and Web Beacons

For Gyógylézer Család Kft. (registered office: 1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 183., hereinafter referred to as: the Company), the protection of personal data provided by the visitors (hereinafter referred to as: User, in plural: Users) of the website (hereinafter referred to as: Website) during registration is of paramount importance. The Company ensures the Users’ right to informational self-determination in accordance with the provisions outlined in its Privacy Policy.


Contrary to general practice, the Company does not use first-party cookies to store personal settings on the client side. The website is programmed in a way that does not require user-specific settings or remote client identification.

A cookie is a small amount of data (a unique text information file) that is stored in the browser on the User’s computer and read back by the web server that placed it. A cookie functions as a personal identifier, recording the user’s preferences and previously provided data. A cookie typically contains the following: the name of the website from which the cookie originates, the cookie’s lifespan (how long it remains on the User’s device), and its value, which is usually a randomly generated unique number. Cookies are uniquely assigned to the User’s device and can only be read by the web server from which they originated.

The User can limit or disable the acceptance of cookies by configuring their browser settings, and existing cookies can be removed using the browser or other user programs, or by running a command-line operation. By removing, limiting, or disabling cookies, the User forfeits the convenience services provided by the cookies placed by the Website. Information about disabling or limiting cookies can be found in the user manual or help section of the browser used by the User, while details on removing cookies are provided in the user manual or help section of the browser or other user program.

Web Beacons

Web beacons can be used by the Company to generate visit statistics for the Website and to access this data. The Website uses the Google Analytics service for this purpose. With Google Analytics, the Company can determine how many people visited a specific page on the Website or clicked on a link within the Website or leading to the Website. During a visit to the Website, the web beacon placed in the User’s browser records the following data: the public IP address of the network used for connection, the duration of navigation on the Website from arrival to departure (session) including its start and end times, and indirect information about the browser and operating system used (user agent). No personal data directly linked to individuals is collected during data collection for statistical purposes.

The User can configure their browser settings to reject web beacons, thereby refusing consent for the tracking service on the Website to collect statistical data. Information on how to disable tracking can be found in the help section or user manual of the User’s browser. Disabling the tracking service by the User does not limit the user experience.

General Information

The Company does not use first-party cookies; otherwise, obtaining the User’s consent is not required in accordance with Section 13/A (3) of Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services, and Article 5 (3) of EU Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Directive).

The Company reserves the right to modify or update this Notice from time to time without prior notification. The date of the most recent update is indicated at the end of this Notice. The Company recommends that Users periodically review this Notice to stay informed about the measures the Company takes to protect their personal data and ensure the exercise of their right to informational self-determination.

Last Updated: March 9, 2019