Optikop LS-07

7 W surgical diode laser

The LS-07 is a desktop diode laser designed for surgical procedures and soft laser therapy.

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The LS-07 is a desktop diode laser designed for surgical procedures and soft laser therapy. The Bluetooth foot-pedal triggered device is controlled via a touchscreen that provides control of a surgical laser designed for invasive procedures with a maximum power of 7 W continuously operating. The power of the surgical module is adjustable between 0,5 W and 7 W in half W increments. The surgical treatment head terminates in a special interchangeable handpiece cannula (Class 4/II.b.) The unique feature of the controller is the built-in power meter for monitoring the output power. The controller is equipped with a HELP menu with a dental protocol suggestion to assist the user. The device is simple to operate, easy to understand and requires no maintenance other than cleaning and a mandatory inspection every two years.

Recommended use:

  • for complex service, busy practices, private clinics
  • minimally invasive dental and oral surgery procedures

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